So Square 2 follows Square 1 - months later of course. If one thing has not changed within me that is my tendency to procrastinate along with a little writer's block from time to time. If you have been following me in my retirement blog, Boomers Pot of Gold, you will already know that the creative juices have been flowing all winter - but through water colours and not my pen or laptop. I have been writing but focusing on stories and "other things" not blogs. But enough of the excuses.
Today's inspiration comes from a recent essay that has been circulating online titled "Should you live for your resume or your eulogy?" It is also the topic of David Brooks Ted Talk if you are interested!
My children have always been an inspiration to me over the years. I have learned so much from them just through observation. This concept about using your weaknesses to build your strengths is lived out in real life as a parent. Recognizing even in my cute little toddler with the golden locks and big blue eyes that her stubbornness and the recurrent stamping of feet that accompanied it could be coached and trained into a tenacity that would stand her in good stead as she faced the many adult challenges down the road kept me optimistic and hopeful. This child of mine also faced down a physical limitation that she chose to believe had no limits. Her battle was one that inspired adults and children blessed enough to know her. I am still thrilled to see that goodness that shines (not just from that childhood battle!) - she lights up my life with it!
I am sure you have met one or two of those special people in your journey as well - the ones who shine with their goodness without really seemingly trying. Don't be fooled! It is because of their battle that the light is so bright. When we do face our weakness - our signature sin as referenced by David Brooks or a physical weakness that threatens to destroy us - we can wrestle with it, suffer from it, and by so doing, develop the depth of character that would be eulogy-worthy.
In his essay The Moral Bucket List, Mr. Brooks compares this journey to having "moral adventures" that will lead you closer to becoming that kind of person that has a goodness about them that is not based on success or any other outward achievement but founded instead by steadfastly making that humility shift from star to humble human while confronting daily those weaknesses that are ingrained in each of us. None of this can be done in isolation. No, not even you can defeat those signature sins that are at the core of your being all alone. The strongest among us (often especially them!) need "redemptive assistance from others."

But, today I must accept that humility is the building stone that can move me closer to that goodness I see shine in so many others that touch my life. I see that connecting and not going it alone are as important as being real. I need a "moral adventure!" Want to journey with me?