I have a knee that has "erupted" and is spewing lava-like pain that has fogged my brain and really limited my mobility. I have been working through some anxiety around the issues that immediately come to the forefront - like, will this ever end! I have limped around and complained and sometimes even shed a few tears as the aching continued day and night BUT I did not go to a doctor until I had suffered for a month. Why is that?! From what I can gather it is temporary - my logical side of my brain knew this - and for that I am grateful. The doctor I saw was not very forthcoming on the prognosis - in fact, I don't think I have ever had such a frustrating encounter with a doctor before. I left feeling like I will need to just take matters into my own hands and search out help online or through friends. However, prescription in hand and jaw locked in determination, I quizzed the pharmacist about the prescription, bought a cane so I don't injure my other knee, and went home to commiserate with family and friends to find some direction. So, another doctor? Straight to physo? Some natural remedies? Taking responsibility for your own health is exhausting! The good news - the painkillers are working and my new cane (trendy teal) certainly attracts kindness with many volunteer door-openers on campus and even drivers smilingly letting me hobble across the road. There is a silver lining I suppose - although I think that might be my roots showing!
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