As I listened - and, yes, I confess, sang along to - the familiar song from Annie this morning, I felt a smile building inside me and coming to the surface. I had been revisiting my journals this morning also and that had set me on a path of counting my many blessings over the past three years. It has been a long journey of self-discovery - a conscious decision to live authentically no matter what! I have jumped into situations openly and lived life to the fullest while still giving myself permission to retreat into my still, small place when a respite was necessary. I have made bad judgment calls, geat decisions and broken some debillitating patterns - all at the same time. I have decided that that is life - the good, the bad and the ugly! It has been such a wonderful, challenging and enlightening time. I have dropped tons of heavy, ugly baggage. I walk with a lighter step (although the PHYSICAL me is not much lighter!) because I am not carrying such a difficult load - I have started to figure out what belongs on my shoulders and what others need to carry themselves. The very best realization is that being honest with myself about what I believe and what I don't believe has set me free from the bondage I placed myself in trying to be whatever everyone thought I should be!