So, Friday was the official silver anniversary of the 100-Day Walking Challenge. Twenty five days of walking at least 30 minutes per day for me! The challenge has significantly contributed to my consistent weight loss of over 2 lb per week. I love the increased strength I feel with each step and that sense of well being a little exercise creates. AND I love, love, love my baggy pants that prove I have lost the 20 lb my scale says I have.
We - well, mostly Raouf - have been pouring over travel books researching where to go, what to see, where to stay, how we will travel in country, and....well, you get the picture. I always find this part of the planning very overwhelming and usually opt out until Raouf narrows it down somewhat.
The best part is that I CAN WALK and climb stairs and generally enjoy the activity. Now how to keep myself going between now and then so I can drop another 25 LB and then figure out just exactly how I am going to buy summer clothes in my new size in March! I won't utter one word of complaint though - my one year journey to a healthier me will be completed. I will be searching for another topic to blog about in a few short months.
Also, I want to share a recipe Raouf developed for me (he is a retired baker after all)!. 1 piece of this cake is 4 delicious points on Weight Watchers. MMMMMM.

1.5 cups of dried dates;
1.5 cups of water;
2 Tblsp. of vegetable oil;
1 egg;
1 cup of Splenda;
1 1/3 cups of whole wheat flour;
1 tsp. baking soda;
1 tsp baking powder;
1 tsp vanilla;
1 tsp of both cinnamon & lemon zest.
Add water to dates: cook until soft. Add soda & cinnamon & lemon zest to date mixture. In a bowl, mix oil, Splenda, egg & vanilla; Combine all and mix with a spoon until combined. Pour into 8 X 8 pan sprayed with PAM. Bake for 30 minutes in 375 F. Yield: 12 pieces. You can drizzle some melted dark chocolate mixed with a little milk and Splenda on top if you wish but that would be extra points and, really, this cake is very moist. Enjoy! We did!
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