No sugar plums dancing in their heads tonight - they were all eaten by noon today! The stockings were no longer hanging; they were hidden in little WW's closets still full of old nuts, oranges and a little Christmas candy - not a chocolate snowman to be seen. The living rooms of the little village were strewn with a few dishes of nuts & bolts on coffee tables, one lonely piece of mincemeat pie left on the kitchen counter and cookie crumbs swept under the mat for tomorrows clean up. Smiles lingered on many faces as they patted their tummies in satisfaction and headed off to bed.
Sharing my experience; striving for my goal. This journey to a healthier me is about enjoying my grandchildren to the fullest, travelling along the less-beaten path in countries around the world and, someday, rocking beside a cozy fire with a smile on my face knowing I made the world a better place by actively connecting with it every day.
Sunday, 23 December 2012
How the INCH Tried to Steal Christmas
No sugar plums dancing in their heads tonight - they were all eaten by noon today! The stockings were no longer hanging; they were hidden in little WW's closets still full of old nuts, oranges and a little Christmas candy - not a chocolate snowman to be seen. The living rooms of the little village were strewn with a few dishes of nuts & bolts on coffee tables, one lonely piece of mincemeat pie left on the kitchen counter and cookie crumbs swept under the mat for tomorrows clean up. Smiles lingered on many faces as they patted their tummies in satisfaction and headed off to bed.
Friday, 26 October 2012
Day 300
- Experimenting with foods personally suited to my body.The first steps along this crazy path were determined, bold, but running in many directions. Grain or no grain; sugar or no sugar - what was best? Raouf got into the habit of asking how I would be eating this week every Friday night before he went grocery shopping just so he could cook the meal-of-the-moment. I survived an elimination diet before the January 1, 2012 start date and dropped 24 lb in 6 weeks. Rapid weight loss by most measurments but I ate lots of healthy food and felt fantastic. With the elimination diet over and my observations indicating that grain and/or sugar were not sitting well with my body, I transitoned into various eating patterns, never totally eliminating either grains or sugar but including them to some small degree each week. I gained 4 lb back and felt the panic start to grow.
Tuesday, 23 October 2012
Gentle Yoga
My granddaughter shared one of the objectives in her school this year is to participate in 20 hours of aerobic exercise using different sports and activities. She has decided to include swimming so far. I suggested Zumba would be fun and we could do it together. I got "the face". You know, that one - "thanks Grandma but really - that is not cool" in her eyes and a little smile/grimace on her lips. Of course, at twelve, she is bouncing between the little girl wanting to spend time with me to the almost teenager who just can't understand why anyone would listen to Janis Joplin - ever! Now I might actually be able to discuss that one choice with her and even agree to some of her points, but, in the end, there is one very real barrier standing in the way - multiple generation gaps!
Monday, 22 October 2012
Stranger in My Closet
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
Spinning for the 60-Plus Crowd

So, with little knowledge and a lot of foreboding, I try to read the digital screens centered between the two handlebars. I am able to just barely discern the numbers (why is it so dark in here?) when I hear the "OK - pick it up - let's go" and realize I haven't even started pedaling yet! I blindly start and watch the digital screens creep up remembering vaguely she said to get it up to 90 K - or was that just to establish my starting gear? Second screen does something like measure my wattage. I briefly toy with the picture of all of us lighting up indvidually like those blinking Christmas tree lights when we hit the magic wattage number ascribed to performing only to realize, upon glancing up, that all others are standing on their pedals going uphill. Whoops, hard to keep up with the team when my bike seems to be following a flat plain! Oh yeah - the gear window needs to be changed. Having totally missed what she indicated was my starting gear and even less informed about where I was to have it set now, I just pedal. Too easy - no hill on my landscape - so, I flip the gear lever up four notches - ah, there's the hill! Feeling it, feeling it - flip - down the hill I go - whee - coasting but, wait, no one else is taking a break. I guess coasting means you are still supposed to keep pedaling.
Well, about 10 minutes in I am eyeing the door, wondering how obvious it would be if this 62 yr old dismounted and scooted out - my butt is aching even though my legs have no problem moving around and around. But, I am NOT a quitter - no sirree - and especially not if 11 other people would be watching!

Thursday, 4 October 2012
Zumba at 60-ish

Tuesday, 2 October 2012
Comfort Foods; Comforting Times

AND the smells of autumn seep into my heart - freshly crushed leaves under my feet; delicious candles that smell like pumpkin pie; bay leaf and parsley wafting from the homemade soup simmering on the back of the stove; and the sweet smell of cinnamon apple sauce cooling on the counter! Sage and savoury and thyme fast forward to turkey and stuffing and family and tables laden with all the trimmings.
The colours of autumn energize and warm the heart - I will treat my eyes to a beautiful fall bouquet of golden and rust marigolds. This year I think I will switch the focus from breads and pies and stuffing to the beautiful vegetables that are fresh and available: golden, green & orange squash, red beets, orange carrots,purple turnips, rust-hued sweet potatoes and glorious pumpkin.
Traditions lift the spirit - I will embrace my family. This Thanksgiving will be a gluten free holiday to ensure our young granddaughter feels 100% part of the celebration and is not having to eat her "own" pie or cake or stuffing! I will take care of my own food choices too so I can feel free to indulge in all of the tastes of the season with relish and no painful, overeating marring my day. I will eat what I want and rejoice in the fact that I can!

I will take comfort in the food that is shared; I will revel in the smells and the colours as well as the taste. And, I will count my blessings - the most comforting exercise of all!
Friday, 28 September 2012
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Borrowed from a TRUE friend! |
Driven by being the perfect mom, wife, girlfriend, employee? Black and white with little grey - and definitely not fifty shades?! All or nothing attitude - if I can't do it all I won't do it at all? Welcome to my club! Only perfectionists are allowed. Only one rule - do it right or don't do it. Show of hands please. Well, that lasted two seconds.
One of the hardest things I have had to work on when cleaning out the dark closet of my life was this streak of perfectionism. It resided along with people pleasing and false pride but had hidden itself well as I took on the big task of spring cleaning in the autumn of my life! I danced a little as I took that shiny box, false pride, off the shelf, admired the gems and little halo engraved in the upper right corner. Such a nice little box but, oh my, when you opened the lid - well, it was empty. That's right, empty. All those great things I thought about myself were made of air - hot air. I tossed it out of the closet on to the junk heap and kept digging. Over the next few months I tripped over it now and again but for the most part, I was able to live my life with a humble spirit and genuine pride and reap the benefits of closer, healthier relationships.
The people pleasing shrine had its own, dedicated spot behind the closet door right across from the floor length mirror. I found I could look in my mirror and see the reflection of its homey, raffia trimmed edges - all sweet and soft and smelling of apple pie and Comet - afterall, this little box had seen a lot of food and cleaning and shopping and gifting - of course it would carry the hint of all that "pleasing" business I had stuffed into its deep pockets. Even though the gingham fabric and cute pink and blue ribbons contrasted with the later addition of business suit jacket and conservative but classy pumps it had certainly propped me up, encouraging me to say yes when I felt no. Really?! That old thing - I pushed it through the closet door and took the hose to it one fine summer day and all the finery disolved into the fertile soil I was cultivating - my authentic self. Choosing to live authentically was truly the beginning of my journey to health. Examining all those beliefs and values I had hidden in various nooks and crannies and comparing them to the ones that sat out in full view for the world to see - wow! They clashed with each other, some even drove me to tears as I wrestled with them but, one day I was able to pack away my well constructed image and start to reveal the real me. My yes became a true yes; my no was kind but assertive.

Tuesday, 25 September 2012
Forty Days of Walking

Sunday, 9 September 2012
25 Days and Still Walking - Cake and New Boots to Celebrate!
So, Friday was the official silver anniversary of the 100-Day Walking Challenge. Twenty five days of walking at least 30 minutes per day for me! The challenge has significantly contributed to my consistent weight loss of over 2 lb per week. I love the increased strength I feel with each step and that sense of well being a little exercise creates. AND I love, love, love my baggy pants that prove I have lost the 20 lb my scale says I have.
Sunday, 12 August 2012
100 Day Walking Challenge
The main player on my team is my honey, Raouf. He plans,shops for and cooks every single meal. I am so grateful for this simple change - I cannot tell you how much it helps me stay on program! I have shared a picture of some of his creations - Cranberry Apple Bran Muffins and the recipe is below:
I have given myself permission to eat muffins again - a scary step as I tend to pig out on anything home baked! This is a recipe from the newspaper giving hints for kid's lunches. Well, count me in as a VERY happy kid! Only TWO POINTS people! I would encourage you to try it.
1.5 cups All-Bran Original cereal or favorite bran cereal; 1 cup 1% milk; 2 eggs; 1 cup all purpose flour; 1/2 cup lightly packed brown sugar; 4 tsp baking powder; 1 tsp cinnamon;1/2 tsp each nutmeg and salt; 1/4 cup canola oil; 3/4 cup chopped frozen cranberries (do not thaw) - we used blueberries; 1/4 cup diced McIntosh apple (not peeled - 1/4 inch dice) - we left it a bit bigger. Combine cereal and milk in a bowl and let stand for 2 minutes until softened. In a separate bowl combine flour, sugar, baking powder, cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt. Set aside. Add eggs and canola oil to cereal mixture; beat well. Add liquid mixture to dry ingredients, stirring until just combined. Fold in cranberries and apple. Portion batter evenly into 12 non-stick muffin pan cups, lightly coated with cooking spray (we used paper cupcake liners). Bake in 400 F oven for 20 minutes. Makes 12 muffins.
Sunday, 5 August 2012
Words with Wings
"Thoughts become actions, actions become habits, habits become character, and character becomes destiny."
I am sitting here knowing there is a message in my heart that I need to share. I have re-read my blog and it hits me that there have been many, many times I would have quit my efforts to become healthier if it had not been for this blog and my original committment to never give up - to change my story one action at a time. This positioning of my will to change has given me the motivation to keep on trekking no matter what the results and absorb the lessons to be learned along the way.
Hey, I lost a 10 pound chin! |
Eight lessons I have learned (so far!):
Embrace Companionship
Choose Health
I have discovered that the journey
consists of small steps toward health - not weight loss. It is about accessing the help I needed to
improve my health in every aspect. A
year ago I took the first steps before my big committment in January. I sought out the medical attention I needed for
my sleep apnea. I addressed my potential
food allergies or sensitivities and embarked on an elimination diet that
resulted in a 24 lb weight loss (which was not the focus) in six weeks - rapid
weight loss which has stayed off because it was a huge change to my eating - a
change from a lifetime of overdosing on sugar and other highly refined carbs as
well as over indulgence in grains. Only
4 lb returned after I went off the elimination diet but applied what I had learned
and kept my sugar and grain consumption under control. At no point was I starving myself - I ate
healthy amounts of normal food throughout.
The weight lost was a lot of fluid I was retaining and some fat, of course. It was the loss of a recent weight gain as
well and brought me down to my usual HIGH weight.
Accept Help
I learned a lot about myself as I
endured a knee injury (torn meniscus) early in my journey in January and it was
not just about how I ate! I made the
decision not to isolate but to reach out for the help (it took me a few months
to come to this conclusion but I did eventually get there). I needed.
I accepted: my partner's offer to drive me to work and many, many other
loving deeds when I was at my worst; my youngest sister's wisdom to walk me
through some stretching in my recovery and to embrace the beauty of the world
around me even if it was cool and damp; my oldest sister's suggestion that I
try using stabilizer poles to help with my walking; and, once again, to seek
medical help for recovery through physio and, yes, drugs.
Get Moving
I discovered an inner strength that surfaced when I was temporarily disabled
during my knee injury - an overwhelming desire to recover my mobility and
strength. My knee injury was the
catalyst to force me to face my sedentary life style full on. Once I lost the ability to walk without pain,
recovering and strengthening my body to protect myself from future injury
became a driving force to get moving.
Small steps, to be sure, but I continue to increase my walking using
stabilizer poles - first to prevent further injury but now because they
increase my work out by adding movement to my arms and upper body.
Change Habits
My guiding quote at the top of my
blog was incorporated at the beginning - before I even learned this wisdom in
my heart. Knowledge in your head is
really still just in your head.
Absorbing it into your heart or inner being is true learning. Sometimes that takes a challenging event or a
loving friend's sharing or reading a book at the right time. One of my "ah ha moments" about
change came after I started Weight Watchers and discovered that the nights I
didn't walk I often ate at 10 or 11 or midnight - crazy eating that was very
hard to control. I realized then that
the walking at night was more than just exercise - it was a change to my usual
pattern of TV, computers or more TV. It
was a time outside in the sun or rain, walking and talking with a loving
partner and sharing life, plans, thoughts and ideas. These flowed naturally when we started moving
without the distraction of a screen - TV or monitor. Also, a fifteen minute stretch out on a
convenient bench on our campus or a short walk in a park contributed immensely
to my mood and energy throughout that hard stretch at work between 2 and 4 PM!
Eat Healthy
I originally focused my journey on finding out what foods made me feel good -
yes, really! I discovered through my
elimination diet that grains/sugar made me feel sluggish with accompanying
brain fog and allergic reactions which affected my eyes in particular. By eliminating these my brain and eyes
cleared. I recognized that I could eat
grains - even wheat - in small doses but cannot incorporate them in large
quantities without affecting my eyes or brain fog. Overdoing and I was very quickly back where I
started. I started to substitute some of
the usual grain choices with quinoa and immediately felt better. No one told me this - it was through research
online, similiar family issues including a granddaughter with celiac and a
daughter with a newly identified wheat allergy.
I just know through my experimentation that I feel so much better when I
don't eat grains too often. I also
started to take a good quality multivitamin from Melaleuca and an Omega 3
supplement plus some chondroitin for my joints (also Melaleuca).
Join a Community
Three weeks ago, I joined Weight
Watchers online - AGAIN! I believe I had
a lot to learn before I could committ to a weight loss program of any kind -
especially one I have played around with for years. I knew that to continue this journey I needed
to lose the weight somehow and it couldn't happen in isolation. My search led me to Weight Watchers. Two of my sisters have also committed to this
healthy program and are slowly losing the weight we "daughters of a baker"
have struggled with over the years.
Plain and simple - it works! The
new Points Plus program reduces the portion size while cunningly motivating you
to choose your foods wisely. While I
continue to control my grain consumption, the weight watchers program provides
me with a teaching mechanism to develop better eating habits, ideas for
continuing activity in some way through the seasons and a community of online
peers to send an encouraging word or high five when it is most needed. I am not alone!
Enjoy Life
This one is key to my continuing on this path as it affects all others. Having embraced the "never give up"
attitude of a winner I find myself much more open to letting life in. When you are living life carefully with a
shell around you to protect you from your fears and from feeling, you shut out
so much of life and what constitutes living.
Although I was starting to learn this four years ago, it was when I made
the decision to live authentically that the miracle started to happen. I opened up some windows on my life that had
been kept closed for year - places in my being that I was not willing to share
with others. My views, opinons, beliefs,
values -all were open as I became who I am openly and with excitement. That feeling grew and soon I was saying yes
to more and reaping wisdom, energy and joy in return. Of course this can all be explained by
psychology and science but for me it is, and will remain, a personal experience
with no explanation required. I laugh
more, I cry more, I live more. I spend
less time pretending I am perfect and more time exposing my mistakes so others
maybe can learn from them - or at least, learn that being imperfect is alway
more joyful than pretending to be perfect!
I play and tease, my eyes sparkle and I feel that ripple effect - you
know, when there is a feeling inside that builds and rises to your throat and
then erupts into a smile or a laugh.
When you look at a grandchild digging in the sand or a grown daughter
embracing a life of travel and openness - all brings joy. When a tomato ripens in your garden and is
graces your pizza that night, you enjoy.
When the warmth of the sun seeps into your body, you enjoy. When a sister calls and shares a little of
herself, you enjoy. When your partners
turns to you and takes your arm as you stumble, you enjoy.
So, the
journey continues and another five months exist on this blog.
Words are just words but life
- life is words with wings!
- Eileen Hopkins
Monday, 23 July 2012
A Mountain Top Experience

I know life is good when…..
1. The rain only
dampens the ground and not my spirit – I know the sun will once again warm the
earth and my soul.
2. My lunch is
3. My body hurts
less and moves more.
4. I get to the
mountain top for just a moment and glimpse what a healthy life can look like.
I had a mountain top experience this weekend –
literally. We headed west with the idea
we would hike Johnson’s Canyon – an easy walk on more or less level ground in a
beautiful mountain setting. A missed
turn and a desire to capitalize on the additional mileage, led to a new
adventure – a hike to Grassi Lakes. It
is listed as easy in the guidebooks and certainly families do it together –
from infants to seniors – but I had left it to my end-of-summer list of goals
as the walk is all uphill – a stress to my healing knees and improved, but
still annoying asthma.
Raouf carried the lunch to leave my hands free to use my
walking poles. I had to stop many, many
times to catch my breath and rest here and there – talk about burning calves! –
but I didn’t give up. My knees were pain
free – amazing! The sense of elation I
experienced when I reached the top and was able to sit and enjoy one of my
favorite destinations in our Alberta Rockies was a true mountain top
experience. I felt fantastic – the
beauty is steeped in serenity even amidst the crowd of hikers sharing the
mountain top with us. Deep, deep water
so clear you can see to the bottom, sparkling green under the blue sky. Water bugs twirled and sent ripples that were
visible for several feet. The small
water fall provided a perfect musical
background to a scene out of the tourist ads you see on TV. Our lunch was simple – a salad and fruit –
but it was so delicious and filling – true contentment.
I audibly sighed and stretched out in the sun and drank it
all in. The rock climbers were out in
full force and were struggling up a very high cliff – ropes dangling and hands
groping for the next hold. Unbelievable
guts or insane risk – either way, there they were, not giving up as the other
direction was down! Did getting to the
top give them a more amazing view than the one we glimpsed on our climb
up? I really don’t think so but I did
catch a glimpse of the feeling they must experience when they conquer their
mountain top. It is the journey to the
mountain top that makes it so exhilarating when you stand on the peak.
I stood on my peak on Sunday – and I celebrated the journey
that got me to this place. My first
commitment to this journey to a healthier me was to never give up – to follow
through – because it is my chance to write my story and the goal is only the
guiding light. I only move closer if I take the next step and then the next and
the next! God is good!
Sunday, 15 July 2012
Recipes by Request

Friday, 13 July 2012
Weight Watchers Here I Am

I have added a walk each evening and chose the lake/storm pond in Coventry, the suburb where we live. I use my poles as they increase the calories burned and reduce the wear and tear on my knees. I love sharing this time with my partner and best friend, Raouf. I have met others on our journey who are curious about my stabilizer poles and I am happy to share my excitement with their effectiveness. I am now at a stage of healing when I can walk without my poles but now it is about being able to go farther and burn more calories. Weight loss has always been a part of my journey toward health - a big part - but only now do I feel I am ready to focus on that aspect. I have learned a lot about my body and personal health quest - the effect of grains and sugar, the metabolic syndrome I know I have, the emotional benefits of sunshine and exercise and some newly assimilated wisdom on letting go of perfectionism and control - a big deal for me. Baby steps have gotten me to a place where I feel confident to move to this next phase - weight watchers.
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Lettuce from our own garden - yummm |
I realize that not every stretch on my road to health will sound so sweet but it sure is great to enjoy this right now. I have included some photos - hope it inspires someone else to start their journey.
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BBQ Chicken - Weight Watchers! |
Now, here is a new way of looking at New Year’s resolutions. These courageous decisions are not only about “the goal”- they are about the journey. I love this thought – the goal is not necessarily the biggest, most amazing thing, and, may even turn out to be a little disappointing- it is about the steps along the way, the story you get to write about your life, the story that is your life and how it changes when there is follow through.
Monday, 9 July 2012

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Free Pancake Breakfasts |
Now, however, my body is paying for the indulgences of yesterday - two bags of mini donuts anyone? - and I am so excited that I was able to participate so fully, walk the midway without pain (unless heat exhaustion counts!), laugh like crazy, play a little, smile a lot, and, all in all, chalk it up to a fun-tastic time! My inner child came out to play - that is a good thing.
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Ice Cream & Maple Sugar |
I have not forgotten my focus this week - weight watchers here I come. LOL!
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